Joe Jonas Breaks Up with Taylor Swift

The Brother of Jonas Joe has finished things with country star hog caller Taylor Swift. We think that they will both make it just fine finding another average famous meat of the fame.

Taylor Swift


2 Responses

  1. Anonymous Taylor Swift fan :D Says:
    At April 13, 2009 at 2:28 PM

    You're stupid.

    Taylor Swift is beautiful, and if you spent the time to distort her picture:
    1)You have to no life.
    2) You're obviously jealous.

    We all know Taylor is a better person than you'll ever be.
    Get over yourself.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous Says:
    At April 13, 2009 at 4:08 PM

    Taylor has the music in itself, but still likes the yodel pig too much. I am glad that she is the better person though, you are so correct.

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